
A spotlight is a directional light that will project a powerful beam of light. This can help to highlight or accent a feature you are looking to draw attention to. A spotlight can also be helpful for providing directional lighting if you are working on a certain project. Spotlights have a large variety of patterns to fit different purposes. Spotlights are most commonly used in the theatre or on a catwalk to bring attention to an individual who is moving across the stage.
With catwalks and theatre, you'll typically find spotlights located toward the rear of the stage. However, if they are found in galleries and museums, the architect who designed the space will decide where they go. Spotlights always have a strong light output, and the temperature of the color is high as well, which is why actors often complain about sweating on stage. Typically, the lens on the spotlight is focused manually and is often connected to a device that can adjust the output of the beam. This device will also include the ability to adjust the angle of the beam as well. Depending on the purpose of the spotlight, the colour can even be changed. In fact, the majority of spotlights come with colour gels for this very purpose. If you are using a spotlight to enhance a sculpture, piece of art, or corner of the room, you may want to opt for a cooler colour. A cooler colour will pick up the finer details and allow the spotlight to do its job sufficiently.
Spotlights usually cast quite a narrow beam of light. This makes the beam easier to control as the light is more concentrated. It typically covers an area of 45 degrees. Spotlights that are used on the exterior of a home should be spaced apart evenly, with at least four feet between each one. If you have a larger ceiling, you can space your spotlights out even more.